Welcome to my DISCOUNTS PAGE!
Here you will find my favourites and some discount codes to go with them - click on the links below to go straight to their website.
I hope you enjoy!
Alcohol Alternatives:
- 10% off at Wise Bartender: https://wisebartender.co.uk/JUSTKRISTINLAMB
- 10% off at Dry Drinker: https://drydrinker.com/SOBERANDCURIOUS
- 15% off at Three Spirit: https://threespiritdrinks.com/soberandcurious
- FREE SHIPPING at Bolle: https://www.bolledrinks.com/SOBERANDCURIOUS
- 25% off at Bodha Drinks: https://bodhadrinks.co.uk/SOBERANDCURIOUS
- 10% off at Pure Kaktai: https://www.purekaktai.com/SOBERANDCURIOUS
- 10% off at Smashed Drynks: https://smasheddrynks.myshopify.com/SOBERANDCURIOUS
Soft Drinks:
- 20% off at Sipgood: https://drinksipgood.com/products/the-full-house?dt_id=2275036
- 10% off at Dalston's Soda: https://shop.dalstons.com/soberandcurious
- 15% off Dr Funk: https://drfunk.co.uk/SOBERANDCURIOUS15
- 15% off KombuHeritage: https://www.kombuheritage.com/SOBERANDCURIOUS
- 10% off at Tenshi Matcha: https://tenshimatcha.com/?ref=zuicbsqb#
- 15% off at OOM Drinks: https://oomdrinks.com/JUSTKRISTINLAMB
- 10% off at HOLOS Kombucha: https://holoskombucha.com/SOBERANDCURIOUS
- 10% off at Edens Gate: https://edensgate.co.uk/SOBERANDCURIOUS
- 10% off at Monty Booch: https://www.montybooch.co.uk/JUSTKRISTINLAMB
- 5% off at The Poop Coffee: https://thepoopcoffee.com/SOBERANDCURIOUS
- 15% off at Matcha & Co: https://matchaandco.com/SOBERANDCURIOUS
- 10% off at Correxiko: https://www.correxiko.com/?ref=justkristinlamb
- 10% off at PRESS Healthfoods: https://press-london.com/JUSTKRISTINLAMB
- 10% off at Kendal Mint Co: https://www.kendalmint.co.uk/kristinlamb
- 10% off at Enertor: https://enertor.com/SOBERANDCURIOUS
- 10% off at Nuasan (code KRISTIN10): https://nuasan.com?sca_ref=6521658.aUuYIjccve
- 10% off at Gutology: https://gutology.co.uk/SOBERANDCURIOUS
- 10% off at Live Hermosa: https://livehermosa.com/JUSTKRISTINLAMB
- 15% off at Runners Essentials: https://runners-essentials.com/JUSTKRISTINLAMB
- 13% off at Endorf: https://endorf.co/SOBERANDCURIOUS
- 5% off at MySupplementShop: https://www.mysupplement.shop/SOBERANDCURIOUS
- 15% off at Fushi Wellbeing: https://fushiwellbeing.com?dt_id=2249299
- 5% off at Mineral Plus: https://www.mineralplus.com.au/SOBERANDCURIOUS
- 10% off at Ascent Nutrition: https://goascentnutrition.com/SOBERANDCURIOUS
- 10% off at TreatBox: https://treatboxuk.com/SOBERANDCURIOUS
- 10% off at Enchanted Drinks: https://www.enchanteddrinks.co.uk/SOBERANDCURIOUS
- 15% off at Low No Drinker Magazine: use code CURIOUS15
- Sober Girl Society Events: View All Events
- Sober Girl Society Merch: View All Merch
* Please mote this page contains affiliate links